So you have decided you want a motorcycle and you know you need a loan. Being in the military youre probably moving a lot and one of your main obstacles will be the accuracy of your personal information on your credit report. If your credit report doesnt have your current address, this puts you at a disadvantage for military motorcycle loans.
Knowing what your credit report looks like is half of this battle, there are three main credit report companies that the lender will access and they are Experian, Equifax & Transunion.
Your military motorcycle loans APR is based on your credit score, so get a credit report and make sure it is updated with your most current information! If its not current this will generate a decline on the application or a outlandish APR. Look for anything that is incorrect in the report, like outstanding debts that have been paid. Dispute all mistakes!!
Once you have obtained your credit report and its up to par, its time to hunt for your lender. Looking online is a great way to find a lender for military motorcycle loans. Loans done online are all completed from your own home. This means no paper work; you will be submitting your application via the internet. Another positive point about doing this online is you will have more lenders to consider talking about military motorcycle loans with. Furthermore this means wider arrays of APRs.
After approval of your loan the lender will likely send you a cashiers check to present your dealer or seller with upon purchase. They also might send this directly to the dealer or seller. Either way its painless. As long as youre informed about your credit score and you have the internet you should be riding soon!
Timothy Gorman is a successful webmaster and publisher of He provides more military auto loans, home loans, payday loans and military motorcycle loans that you can research in your pajamas on his website.